Thursday 28 November 2013

Droidcon India developer conference and hackathon kicks off in Bangalore

Droidcon India, the biggest Android developer conference and hackathon of its kind in the country, kicked off in Bangalore on Thursday. This year the event is being held at the MLR Convention Centre on the 28th, 29th and 30th November and has attracted over 500 developers, designers, software architects, and project as well as business managers from around the country.

The first day of the conference featured multiple tracks, each targeted at a different type of audience attending the event. The business track included discussions on how to build apps, how to take them to market, and, to the delight of most in the audience, ways of making money off apps. The gaming track delved into freemium game design, porting from iOS to Android, and augmented reality. Other parallel tracks included deeper technical sessions on the internals of Android, and a series of rapid fire app demos by developers.

Droidcon India is part of the world wide series of conferences that happens in London, Paris, Berlin, Netherlands, Tunis, Ankara and Brussels. This year marks the third edition of the conference in India and the event has seen active participation by attendees from a number of well known companies involved in the broader Android ecosystem like Amazon, Intel, Huawei, Sony, ThoughtWorks, Cleartrip, Hike, Cognizant and Intuit, as well a number of app entrepreneurs, startups and consulting companies. However, one name conspicuous by its absence from an Android-related event, is that of Google.


According to HasGeek, organisers of Droidcon India and many other technology-related events and conferences around the country, they approached Google for speaker support and participation, but the company doesn't associate itself with third-party Android-related events and conferences i.e. ones not organised by Google itself. For the sake of the Android community, we hope this changes soon, as events across the world will be richer if attendees got to hear directly from the droid's mouth.

Meanwhile, the next couple of days at Droidcon India 2013 promise deeper technical sessions on Android as well as a track dedicated to design thinking as it pertains to Android apps. The last day includes a 24 hour hackathon to build apps around a few chosen themes.

While it's probably too late for you to attend the event if you aren't there already, you can do the next best thing by tracking updates on Twitter by following the hashtag #droidconin. HasGeek also promises all event-related videos will be available free for anyone to watch on their YouTube channel, just like the previous two editions.

Images courtesy: HasGeek

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