Thursday 24 July 2014

Robbing A Bank While Wearing A Shirt With Your Name On It Isn’t A Great Plan

If only all suspects would do police the favor of wearing their identifying information on their shirts, the world would no doubt be a much more peaceful place. Alas, not everyone can be as courteous, but police in Denver say a man accused of robbing a bank did them a solid by displaying his first name right there on his shirt.

While one might wake up on the day they decide to go rob a bank and think, “I better not wear anything that calls attention to me, like a shirt with my name on it,” officials say the 68-year-old suspect did exactly the opposite with his black t-shirt.

He also used a car registered under his name for his getaway vehicle, reports ABC Denver, after allegedly walking into a Wells Fargo bank and demanding money from two tellers.

After they filled a zippered bag with cash, he walked out and took off. Investigators found the suspect though the car’s license plates, and showed tellers his DMV photo along with a few others in a lineup.

They positively identified him as the man who’d robbed the bank that morning, leading police and FBI agents to track the suspect down and arrest him.

He reportedly waived his right to silence, and told officials he and his wife had been evicted three weeks ago and were living out of a hotel, and that he’d woken up that morning and driven straight to the bank to rob it while his wife slept. He apparently didn’t comment on the decision to wear that shirt, on that particular day, so we’ll have to wonder forever.

He was booked on investigation of felony robbery involving $20,000 or more.

Police: Denver robbery suspect wore shirt with his name on it, drove his own car to bank hold-up [ABC Denver]

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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