Wednesday 2 July 2014

Sbarro Is The Worst Fast Food Chain In America Because Its Food Isn’t “Fresh”

Answer: Sbarro.

Answer: Sbarro.

Whether you’re a burger guy or a burrito gal, you’ve probably got your favorite fast food joints. But in the interest of finding a culinary consensus, our best buds at Consumer Reports decided to make it official with a new survey of readers who chowed down on 96,208 meals at 65 chains. And um, we’ve got some bad news for you, Sbarro (clears throat awkwardly).

In Consumer Reports’ new fast-food survey, readers said that quality of food is more important in choosing where they eat, and it’s doesn’t matter as much as it used to how convenient a location is.

When it comes down to the best and the worst, major chains didn’t fare so well in their signature categories: McDonald’s came in dead last among burger restaurants; Taco Bell sunk to the bottom in the burrito arena; KFC lost mightily to reigning chicken king Chick-fil-A and Subway was a flop in the sandwich field.

As for the lowest of the low? Money-bleeding, bankrupt Sbarro ranked the lowest out of all 65 restaurants. Surveyed readers said the food “wasn’t fresh,” and that they “didn’t get good value for their money,” Consumer Reports notes.

As Neil Irwin of the New York Times noted in March while calling out Sbarro’s notoriously bad fare as the reason for the company’s second time around in bankruptcy: “You eat Sbarro not because you want Sbarro, but because it is the food that is available at the moment you want some food.”

Check out Consumer Reports’ video below:

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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